Many of my friends have asked me, time and again..."Hey Shir Li, what do you exactly do?" And there are times I do really think whether or not these people care enough to remember or even bother to really listen when I tell them what do I do for my bread and butter.
BUT...Yes, I know that we are all humans after all - and forgetful ones at that! ^_^ And as the saying goes....'To err is human'. So my dear, dear friends and fellow bloggers (Oh, and visitors too ;> ) this post I would lovingly, with honour and reverence dedicate it to explaining about what I really do. Hahaha.... Oh, btw this idea was given by a mate of mine. (Thx man!)
I have recently officially graduated from the title of 'Student' to 'Working Young Adult'. Hooray for the smooth transition from one level to the next!! =) So basically, I'm now having the degree of BSc. (Ed.) which in normal English and less glamorous terms just means - I'm your everyday, normal (at times irritating & naggy) teacher. However, I would prefer to tag myself as an educator. I was having my practical teaching (basically a trainee teacher) from the last week of April till the 2nd week of July - and I can definitely tell you, it was the most exciting thing that I did in the whole duration of my 4 year degree course!!
Though I was officially still a student, I was already working (freelance contractor) as a cpoywriter for this online e-magazine. You can check it out if you like - This is a website which focuses on the latest fashion, lifestyle and it is also an online shopping mall. Sort of cool if you like online shopping. Anyway, just check it out and throw me some comments if you do have any. I also did some freelance scriptwriting for a land developer (Gamuda Land - Bandar Botanic) through the agency that liaise with them.
So since I took up this job, I have had some seriously great opprtunities to meet up face-to-face with our local artistes and famous people. If you are registered as friends in my Friendster account, you would know what I mean - people like Amber Chia, Daniel Tan, Victor Lee and a few more. Its really cool to get to see these people in the flesh. But after awhile, the novelty of it kind of wears off. After all, they are all normal people...just with the opportunity and talent to make it to the silver screen.
Now, in addition to the copywriting that I'm doing for the company I'm in....I'm also doing freelance writing on the web and also blogging. stated in my 1st post, I just adore writing. So that was why I finally started my own 'lil bloomin' bloggin' site. ^_^ v
So I hope the looooooooong post this time will manage to clear up some things about me and what am I doing currently to survive and stay at least decently clothed. Haha!! Just kidding. ;)